Monday, May 30, 2016

Do you have an accountability partner?

 Everyone needs a buddy! Someone that knows you. Someone that knows your dreams, goals and the things you struggle with. She loves you anyway!
Debra and I have been Avon buddies for several years and we have been though a lot together. Sometimes the personal takes a front seat and sometimes it's only business, but it is such a gift to have her in my life.

Here we are at the most recent President's Club Recognition Gala celebrating 2015! 
She keeps me moving forward, doesn't adore ALL my ideas and is so generous with her big heart and spirit. I'm truly blessed to know her.

Do you have someone in your biz that tells you the truth?
Is it something you could aspire to add?
Believe me, it's a wonderful tool in your arsonal of biz builders...choose wisely, put in quality time and you'll reap amazing benefits.

Enjoy,  Val